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    Bloons TD 6 Daily Challenge - June 01, 2021

    Bloons TD 6 Daily Challenge - June 01, 2021

    Daily Challenge - June 01, 2021

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:00 AM PDT

    Discussion about the today's daily challenge in Bloons TD 6.

    Please keep all discussion, question and strategies about the daily challenge and advanced challenge to this post to keep subreddit clutter low.

    Make sure to distinguish whether you are posting about the daily challenge or the advanced challenge clearly in your comment.

    Click here to see previous daily challenge posts

    Happy popping!

    submitted by /u/BloonsBot
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    spike factory my beloved

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    Sounds like someone's not popping bloons!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    This is a BIG insta.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:11 AM PDT

    Tier 5s if they were objectively TERRIBLE and help you lose

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    I saw this post the other day, and was inspired to come up with my own take. Took me about two days to conceptualize everything, with a bit of inspiration from the original post, have fun!

    ––- Primary Monkeys –––

    Dart Monkey:

    Ultra Astronaut

    Sends the monkey to space, leaving behind a catapult that blocks line of sight but can be removed for the same price.

    Plasma Monkey Haters Club

    Disables all energy based towers within radius, extends to whole map when ability is activated.

    Cross-Eyed Master

    Shoots mostly arrows that miss instead of crit.

    Boomerang Monkey:

    Naive Lord

    His naivety causes him to believe that 'bloons' are just fun party decorations that he should not harm.


    It must charge, and only attacks when the ability is activated.

    Noob Domination

    All MOABs hit gain speed and fortification. Take that, noobs!

    Bomb Shooter:


    Oh no! The cannon has been crushed by the bloons and can no longer attack!

    Moab Accelerator

    Moabs it shoots are accelerated forward. The ability turns the target moab into a fortified BAD.

    Bomb Bliss

    When a bloon leaks, all explosive projectiles are disabled.

    Tack Shooter:

    Infer No Ring

    Loses the ring of fire attack, and the meteor becomes melee.

    Subpar Maelstrom

    Ability shoots 4 blades. That's it.

    The Tax Zone

    All towers in range force you to pay $5 per projectile, and sell for 50% less.

    Ice Monkey:

    Super Little

    Range, pierce, damage, and slow all become super little. Also makes the ice monkey as little as in small monkeys mode.

    Absolute Zero

    Turns your money to 0 whenever it attacks. Sometimes turns your lives to 0 too.

    Icicle Is Pale

    Icicles are now white, and gives the bloons it shoots white bloon properties that make them immune to it.

    Glue Gunner:

    The Bloon Problematizer

    Glue globs give bloons the properties of golden bloons, but they still cost lives and give no monkey cash.

    Blue Storm

    Ability gives you a blue screen of death. Even if you're playing on a Mac. Or on mobile.

    Souper Glue

    Shoots globs of soup whose aroma causes monkeys to stop attacking and enjoy the fragrance.

    ––– Military Monkeys –––

    Sniper Monkey:

    Crinkle MOAB

    Gives MOAB-class bloons a crinkle overlay, which gives the MOAB fortification and camo properties.

    Elitist Sniper

    Rapidly shoots towers that are tier 4 and below, disabling them for 5 seconds.

    Elitist Defender

    Will only defend against fortified BADs, and ignores everything else.

    Monkey Sub:


    All monkeys in the radius lose 50% attack speed and have doubled cooldown times.

    Postemptive Strike

    Only begins attacking when MOAB-class bloons have already exited the track, achieving nothing.

    Sub Commoner

    Reverts the monkey sub back to 0-0-0.

    Monkey Buccaneer:

    Carried Flagship

    Instantly sinks unless there are 6 or more arctic winds supporting it. Placing monkeys on the upper decks increases the required arctic winds to 8 and 10.

    Pirated Load

    This loaded game has been detected to be pirated, and shall now be automatically uninstalled.

    Trade Vampire

    Leeches 50% of the income earned by monkeys within its radius, and 20% of your cash at the start of each round.

    Monkey Ace:

    Sky Dreader

    The pilots wish they had never come, and decide not to fly ever again, out of fear of the sky.

    Far Bomba

    Drops a massive bomb too far away to affect bloons on screen.

    Falling Fortress

    This BIG plane makes a BIG crash, leaving behind a BIG wreckage that costs BIG money to remove.

    Heli Pilot:

    Attached Prime

    Only attacks when the round number is a prime number.

    Special Cooperations

    Turns your game into a co-op game, with 3 co-op teammates that constantly ask you for money for a level 20 Benjamin.

    Comanche Offense

    Flies out of the map in search of the origin of the bloons, hoping to attack but never to return.

    Mortar Monkey:

    The Smallest One

    Shells now do 1 damage with 1 pierce.

    Pop and Aww

    Due to great regret over every bloon popped, a ceasefire ensues whenever the mortar fires, and for the whole duration of the ability.


    Bloons that are hit teleport forwards, like the gold bloon. Also adds fortification to them.

    Dartling Gunner:

    Ray of Bloon

    Shoots a nonstop stream of bloons.


    Only attacks during the first month after the dartling gunner was released.

    Bloon Inclusion Zone

    Shoots protective buckshots that block damage done to bloons.

    ––– Magic Monkeys –––

    Wizard Monkey:


    Barfs on bloons, dealing only 1 damage with near-melee range.

    Blizzard Lord Phoenix

    Alas, the phoenix was caught in a blizzard and must fly around without attacking, flying at a low enough altitude to dynamically block line of sight.

    Prince of Brightness

    Summons gold bloons and test bloons that move towards the exit and cost lives. Also increases the screen's brightness by 1% every time it attacks.

    Super Monkey:

    The False Sun God

    You build a costly platform for a nonexistent deity. Good job! At least monkeys placed on it bypass line of sight.

    The Pro Bloon

    Bloons that it shoots get accelerated and regrow once per projectile. Ability extends this bloon boost to all bloons on screen

    Layman of the Night

    We forget about him, when all hope is lost. When a bloon is about to leak, he can do nothing about it.

    Ninja Monkey:

    Grandma Ninja

    Grandma bakes cookies but grows tired quickly, granting nearby monkeys 8% attack speed for 8 seconds every 8 minutes.

    Grandpa Saboteur

    All monkeys with white hair and beards get stunned every time it attacks. The ability stuns all monkeys on screen.

    Master Blooner

    Sticky bombs become sticky shields, granting MOAB-class bloons gold bloon properties and additional HP.


    Pharma Brew

    Affected monkeys are sedated permanently, losing 75% attack rate and range.

    Partial Transformation

    Permanently partially transforms the alchemist into a crazy monster, removing the ability to throw potions but not giving the ability to shoot energy projectiles. Ability applies this to 5 nearby monkeys.

    Monkey Master Alchemist

    Throws special potions at the most powerful monkey onscreen, turning it into a 0-0-0 dart monkey.



    Summons large cornfields that block line of sight and force-sell any monkeys caught inside.

    Spirit of the Forgotten

    Must be clicked every 5 seconds or else it disappears completely due to being forgotten. The ability causes the monkey to be forgotten instantly.

    Avatar of Math

    It is too busy to attack while it intensively and repeatedly calculates the current RBE.

    ––– Support Monkeys –––

    Banana Farm:

    Banned Central

    Becomes 9x as large and occupies the center of the map, preventing any other monkeys from being built there and blocking line of sight.

    Monkeynomic Recession

    Activates half cash mode when upgraded. Ability activations make it quarter, eighth, sixteenth, etc. cash mode.

    Monkey Wall Restrict

    Becomes a wall that blocks line of sight and doesn't give anything.

    Spike Factory:

    Subpar Mines

    Basically super mines, but with a more honest name.

    Pet of Spikes

    Spikes produced are now pets that remain off the track and do not interact with towers or bloons.


    Lag spikes become permanent.

    Monkey Village:

    Secondary Expertise

    Only buffs monkeys that are exactly Tier 2. Also adds a micro ballista attack that is as strong as a 2-0-0 dart.

    Wasteland Defence

    Only works when there are no monkeys on screen.


    All towers in range are absorbed into a police precinct and are investigated for violence.

    Engineer Monkey:

    Sentry Pentagon

    Creates 5 permanent basic sentries around the engineer forming a pentagon.


    Boosts all bloons permanently, granting them camo, fortified, and high regrow properties, alongside faster speed and steeper freeplay scaling. The ability grants 66% increased speed and 66% damage reduction to the target bloon.

    XXXS Trap

    Trap can trap 1 red bloon.

    edit 1 Fixed formatting

    submitted by /u/Giancarlovan
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    This Ultra Jugg spot

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    Google vs Bing - BTD6 Edition

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:59 PM PDT

    Ah yes, the red armbands of vision

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    NK please add an option to change size/color of the cursor for people with color blindness(PC)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    Memes on r\btd6:

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    BTD6 CHIMPS Difficulty Chart (Update Jun 2021)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    sniper monke

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:04 AM PDT

    Churchill's Father

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    The Monkeyopolis Times: 31st Edition

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    very good tower

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    What games do you have Me:

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    Im back with fusion of Quincy and Etienne

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Dart Monke

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    I Made Striker Jones Without The Mustache

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    Bloons TD 6 Card Game

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Bloons TD 6 Card Game

    Note: This isn't related in any way to Bloons TD Battles 2.

    This is a card game that I made for my sister and I to play during lockdown (around December 2020~March 2021), based on Bloons TD 6. I just wanted to share it and show other people what I've created, ig.

    Here's a photo of us playing the game.


    TL;DR: I made the cards in PowerPoint, exported them as images, then tiled them onto another PowerPoint, and printed them.

    When I was younger, we could only bring a limited number of cards to school because of, unfortunately, numerous incidents of people stealing other people's cards. Then, a couple of friends and I realized we could make our own cards with pen and paper, and since these would be basically worthless and we could always just make more, no one would bother to steal them.

    Years later, my sister found my old Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and asked me to teach her how to play. It ended up being too complex for her, though, so I decided to do what my friends and I did - I made a new card game for her, that was much simpler and easier for her to understand. All the cards (I think ~200 in total) were semi-painstakingly drawn by hand, by me. It was called Battle. Again, I repeat, this is not in any way related to BTDB2.

    Then, during lockdown (this is around May~August 2020), I decided to experiment with making the cards digitally and printing them off. Since I had made the cards... A8, is it?, I wasn't sure if our printer could print them that small while still retaining decent quality. However, the end result was actually pretty good!

    So, during around December 2020, I decided to make a new card game for us to play - since we were kinda getting bored of Battle - and this time I decided to base it off of BTD6. Just like when I made the Battle cards digitally, I created the cards separately in PowerPoint, then exported them as high-res images, tiled them onto another PowerPoint (16 per page, 4x4), printed them, and then cut them using a guillotine.

    This is an example of one of the tiles. I printed this off, and then cut it into individual cards.


    In terms of rules and gameplay, the game is pretty much identical to Yu-Gi-Oh, and also has elements from Plants vs Zombies Heroes, so if you've played Yu-Gi-Oh, you'll pretty much know how this game works. Note that most of the vocabulary is different from Yu-Gi-Oh, so that it's more suitable for a game based on BTD6.

    I'll explain the gameplay in depth next time, otherwise this post will be wayyy too long. For now, let's just take a look at the different types of cards...


    Note: Large Pictures Incoming!

    Monkeys/Bloons (equivalent of monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh)

    Here's an example of a monkey card...

    ...and a boon card.

    So, let's explain what each of the elements are:

    • Top-left: This is the monkey's popping power, or the bloon's power.
    • Top-right: This is how much the monkey/bloon costs. I'll explain how cash works next time.
    • Bottom: For these 2 cards, since they're the most basic cards, they just have descriptions. For the majority of cards tho, they'll have an effect or activated ability.
    • Top-top-right: Monkeys exclusive - this is their category and tier. Note that to make things simpler, base monkeys are Tier 1, Tier 3 monkeys are Tier 2, Tier 4s are Tier 3, and Tier 5s are Tier 4. This is just because the first 2 crosspath upgrades don't tend to change all that much.

    Here's an example of a slightly more complex card.

    Support Monkeys

    Support Monkeys have blue outlines.

    Some monkeys are support monkeys. These can't attack (again, attacking will be explained next time) and instead sit behind the front lines, supporting your other monkeys.

    Monkeys' Activated Abilities/Attachments

    Activated Abilities can affect the game in a variety of different ways.

    Attachments make your other monkeys stronger.

    Activated Abilities are like spells and traps in Yu-Gi-Oh. Attachments are like equip spells - they attach onto your monkeys, making them stronger.

    Bloons' Activated Abilities/Attachments

    The bloons have some unique activated abilities that are not in BTD6.

    There are 6 copies of this card.

    Unlike the monkeys' attachments, the bloons have multiple copies of the same attachment - partly because I can't come up with that many ideas for attachments, since the main focus of BTD6 is on the monkeys, but also because the bloons should be able to modify bloons multiple times.


    Alright, that's it for this time. This has been an extremely long post and has taken a whopping 45 minutes to write. Next time, I'll explain how the game works, all the rules, and perhaps some more backstory. Hope you guys enjoyed this!

    If this ends up being super-popular, I might consider sending the tiles to people, so that they can print the cards out for themselves and play with them - but idk if NK would be too happy about that, so... yeah, idk.


    I'm sure some of you will really want to see some of the most powerful cards, so here are a few!

    The first Tier 4...

    *sigh* I'll explain monkey abilities in a future post...

    Boss bloons... I'LL EXPLAIN IT IN A FUT-

    submitted by /u/Sup2point0
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    My internal monke told me to do this

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    How to beat every mode on resort.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 10:14 AM PDT


    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:26 AM PDT


    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    created a new custom tower, thief. upgrades in the description. hope ya like it!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 10:32 AM PDT

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