Bloons TD 6 v24.0 - Update Notes!
New Awesome
- New Melee hero - Sauda the Swordmaster, to hack, slash and slice your way to victory.
- Melee towers have a long history of discussion by both dev team and community. We've enjoyed adding them to the mix with Pat Fusty, and several characters in BATTD. The design concept for Sauda has been around for a few years, and we truly hope the many, many players who have asked for a "sword hero" over the years will enjoy!
- New Intermediate map Balance. You can play it in CHIMPS right now using this challenge code: ZMUHSGK
- New Benjamin skin Sushi Bento - treat him nicely or else there's NO SUSHI FOR YOU!
- The Golden Bloon has returned! A chosen map in each difficulty will now contain an extra Golden Bloon every 10 rounds, these Golden Bloons can get tricky to pop on the higher rounds but do not cost any lives when they escape. If popped successfully every Golden Bloon will reward a small monkey money bonus. (Gold Bloons will not spawn in Deflation or CHIMPS modes)
- Golden Bloon is another design item we've had on the "add this" list since BTD6 was launched. We had fun adding the Golden Bloon to BTD5 and even more frustrating fun when it went into BSM2, so for BTD6 we wanted to take elements of each and make it work even better with the scaling power of BTD6. And who doesn't love-hate treasure gobliny things!
- We've felt it ourselves and had feedback from players that they like chasing the Collection Reward bonuses on different maps and that they'd like to have a way to earn a bit more Monkey Money each game. Adding the Golden Bloon helps address those items, and making it evolve and stay relevant as late round power grows feels good to us from a design side. We hope you enjoy!
- New Trophy Store Items
- Heroes: Benjamin Matrix Placement
- Monkeys: Ninja kiwi ninja pets for Ninja Kiwi fans (yes, we finally put a kiwi in the game!)
- Bloons: Flowers Pop FX
- Co-op: Dancing Monkey emote, Blooming Flowers emote
- Game & UI: 3 Community designed Competition Avatars
- u/mutamarkl: Tack Monkey - Congratulations!
- u/Kuzuyku: Powerful Sentai - Congratulations!
- u/_Concilliabule_: Intense Wizard - Congratulations!
- To the other 7 winners and the many contributors and voters - thanks so much for your patience. We didn't want to flood the Trophy Store or profile inventory all at once, and we want each group of winners to have some time in the sun. The others will be coming in the next updates!
- Limited Time only: Obyn Bunny Pet, Obyn's Eggs Avatar, Chocolate MOAB, Chocolate BFB, Bunny Ear Bloons, Dartling Easter Eggs projectiles for Buckshot & Hydra Rockets
- Race Pass IAPs have been added to the game (in a block of 4, or a discounted block of 12). Each Race Pass will grant unlimited Race Entries for one entire Race Event.
- Races have been a locus of some of the most dedicated BTD6 play in the game, and we've been putting a lot of effort into keeping Races challenging and working with community race ideas. Our goals since launch have been to keep Races challenging, fair, leaderboard policed, and practical to play over and over for dedicated players.
- We've recently had feedback from the community that the practical repeat play has not been achieved. The idea of a pay to play over and over was raised and that is what the Race Pass seeks to address. Making this IAP keeps the system extra secure, and we chose to make it a per use rather than time-based system so players could skip races by choice or if they can't play on any given weekend.
- We'll keep listening to feedback on Races and on these Race Passes, and we will also do more discounted Race entry weekends as we've done in the past for players who want to stick with Monkey Money entry.
Key Features
- The experience reduction for continuing into freeplay has been reduced from 90% to 70%. Whatever the game mode, rounds beyond 100 remain at 90% reduction. As players are having more fun going into freeplay, especially in co-op, we agree that the rounds up to 100 should have this additional xp value.
- New Challenge Info information button has been added to all custom user challenges. Open this panel to view some detailed stats for any challenge including Attempts, Wins, Fails, Unique Players, Victorious Players as well as the First & most recent players to win the challenge.
- Some of the last few Bloons that cause you to lose in any game will now be displayed on the defeat screen. We're hoping this will help new and experienced players both - helping underscore whether you are missing a certain damage type or deep damage ability, and whether you were close to beating it, or still hundreds of lives off!
Big Changes / Additions
- Advanced Challenges should now count towards most player stats.
- Those daring should now attempt to take on the challenge of Ravine CHIMPS.
- Map unlocking system has been reworked. Instead of unlocking in the same order for all players when you beat a map from a lower difficulty, you will now gain the option to choose a map from the next higher difficulty to unlock. This is in response to watching many new Twitch streamers wanting to choose the look of a later map in the list but having to go one by one, and we like the flexibility to choose within each difficulty much better.
- As they do not spawn until after round 80 naturally, DDT and BAD Bloons will now spawn in sandbox with at least the minimum level of freeplay ramping they would normally have in regular game conditions.
Bug Fixes & General Changes
- Upgrade description and localization fixes and tweaks - each update it's important that we capture balance changes, as well as crosspath functions that players might otherwise miss (more info below)
- Regrow Rate icon now correctly displays on Odysseys when rate has been modified
- Many behind the scenes optimizations & removing of some unused art assets
- Heroes no longer play level 20 audio when they hit level 20 if hero audio is disabled
- Resolved some issues in sandbox freeplay with MOABs leaking incorrect amounts of lives
- Due to past corruption issues, loading cloud data will no longer load challenge creation saves
- Resolved a Crash/UI break caused by cycling through instamonkey pages too fast
- Monkey Meadow modified slightly to allow for Juggernaut bounces off new trees near the map entrance. We've watched too many players try the Juggernaut for the first time on this map with good placement but not see the value of object rebounds.
- Spike Factory pineapples skin description has been updated with more detail
- Fancied up the save conflict screen
- Resolved some layering of UI popups
Dart Monkey
- x4x Super Monkey Fan Club description has been updated with more detail
Boomerang Monkey
- 5xx Glaive Lord description has been updated with more detail
Bomb Shooter
- 3xx Really Big Bombs description has been corrected
- x4x MOAB Assassin description has been updated with more detail
- xx5 Bomb Blitz description has been updated with more detail
Tack Shooter
- 4xx Ring of Fire description has been updated with more detail
Ice Monkey
- 4xx Embrittlement description has been updated with more detail
- x3x Arctic Wind description has been updated with more detail
- x5x Absolute Zero description has been updated with more detail
Glue Gunner
- 410 Bloon Liquifier can now correctly pierce through 3 Bloons, not just 2.
- 4xx Bloon Liquifier description has been updated with more detail
- x4x Glue Storm description has been updated with more detail
Sniper Monkey
- x4x Supply Drop description has been updated with more detail
- xx4 Full Auto Rifle description has been updated with more detail
Monkey Sub
- 3xx Submerge and Support description has been updated with more detail
Monkey Buccaneer
- 1xx Faster Shooting description has been corrected
- x5x Pirate Lord description has been updated with more detail
- xx1 Long Range description has been corrected
- xx4 Favoured Trades description has been updated with more detail
Monkey Ace
- x1x Exploding Pineapples description has been updated with more detail
Heli Pilot
- xx1 Faster Firing description has been updated with more detail
- xx3 MOAB Shove description has been updated with more detail
Mortar Monkey
- xx2 Burny Stuff description has been updated with more detail
Dartling Gunner
- 3xx Laser Cannon description has been updated with more detail
- x3x Hydra Rocket Pods description has been updated with more detail
- x4x Rocket Storm description has been updated with more detail
- x5x M.A.D description has been updated with more detail
Wizard Monkey
- x3x Dragon's Breath description has been updated with more detail
- xx3 Shimmer description has been updated with more detail
Super Monkey
- xx3 Dark Knight description has been updated with more detail
Ninja Monkey
- x2x Counter-Espionage description has been updated with more detail
- 004 Sticky Bomb should work correctly now and not break with DoTs - please tell us if not because we've spent so much time on this, but hopefully we won't hear from anyone on this!
- 2xx Acidic Mixture Dip description has been updated with more detail
- xx3 Lead to Gold description has been updated with more detail
- x5x Spirit of the Forest vine visuals should correctly layer over split tracks now
Spike Factory
- 042 Spike Storm now correctly works on splitting tracks
Monkey Village
- x4x Call to Arms description has been corrected
- x2x Deconstruction description has been updated with more detail
- x4x Overclock description has been updated with more detail
- x5x Ultraboost description has been updated with more detail
- xx1 Oversize Nails description has been updated with more detail
- Level 3 The Long Arm of the Light description has been updated with more detail
- UCAV should no longer have a footprint slightly below Etienne that blocks towers from being placed in that area
Monkey Knowledge Force vs Force
- Description has been corrected
Desktop Version
- Improved integration with discord - now shows a variety of game and menu states
- We are working on improved integration with Steam and Twitch for future updates, we appreciate your patience on these!
- Resolved an issue that could occur on Steam causing the game to hang at step 3 of 8
Balance Changes
Dart Monkey
The previous sharpshooter rework caused more trouble than intended in setups without much other cleanup by popping Black Bloons into large clusters of reds which then clogged up the pierce. We decided to keep the buffed attack speed value as well as adding back the stronger damage value.
- xx4 sharpshooter damage increased 5 -> 6
Boomerang Monkey
Rotating Glaives aren't quite enough for higher tier rounds, and especially struggle against Fortified Super Ceramics so we have added a small bonus to combat these.
- 5xx Glaive Lord's rotating glaives now deal bonus damage to Fortified Bloons +2
Tack Shooter
Maelstrom upgrades are in a good spot overall, but specifically for the low cost of this tower with such a rapid cooldown it was able to hit too many targets under race conditions. This targeted nerf is to the value of it under those race conditions and should be negligible in other game areas.
- x4x Blade Maelstrom pierce per blade reduced to 100
- x5x Super Maelstrom pierce per blade reduced to 500
Ice Monkey
Small tweaks to the benefit of still under-utilized T5 Ice Monkey upgrades.
- 5xx Super Brittle price reduced from $30,000 -> 28,000
- x5x Absolute Zero Ability & buff duration increased from 10s -> 15
Glue Gunner
More tweaks with the intent of viable stepping stones toward The Bloon Solver. Due to quirks with game state interactions temporarily preventing more nuanced changes, we have decided to leave MOAB Glue's slow amount on MOABs as it was previously, coming back to Relentless later. However xx4 Relentless Glue will still layer over the top of it.
- 3xx Bloon Dissolver price reduced $2600 -> 2500
- 4xx Bloon Liquifier price reduced $5500 -> 5000
- xx3 MOAB Glue MOAB slow effectiveness changed from 0.75x back to 0.625x
Monkey Ace
Similar to Tack Shooter Maelstrom upgrades, we have targeted a nerf to Ground Zero for race conditions by amounts which are not relevant outside of those conditions. Additionally Tsar Bomba has received a much smaller version of this nerf along with a reduced cooldown to increase its relevance.
- x4x Ground Zero ability pierce reduced to 1000
- x5x Tsar Bomba ability pierce reduced to 5000
- x5x Tsar Bomba ability cooldown reduced from 40s -> 35
Heli Pilot
Razor Rotors doesn't synergize well with it's own T2 and is kinda the dunce of T3 Helis
- 3xx Razor Rotors blade damage increased from 1 -> 2
Mortar Monkey
As an expensive high-layer T5 DPS tower lurking behind a mainly support path on path 3 Mortar it's not easy to save for, so Blooncineration has had a fair price reduction.
- xx5 Blooncineration price reduced from $45,000 -> 40,000
Dartling Gunner
Base Dartling performance doesn't quite offset the handholding necessary to use it well, so base price has been reduced to make those first couple upgrades come a little faster. Plasma Accelerator attack delay has been buffed so that now the beam 'tic rate' matches the attack speed at tier 3, overall giving it a 20% buff to all DPS which carries on up to the Tier 5. Finally Bloon Exclusion Zone's price has as well been reduced slightly for edge case balance.
- Base Price reduced from $1000 -> 850
- 4xx Plasma Accelerator attack delay buffed from 0.25s -> 0.2
- xx5 Bloon Exclusion Zone price reduced from $60,000 -> 58,000
Super Monkey
While not considered an issue on the same level for Races, the Bloon Annihilation ability has preemptively had pierce reduced under the same reasoning as Ground Zero and Maelstrom, but by amounts that still likely won't be noticeable even under most Race conditions - but we're keeping an eye on it. Additionally the price of this upgrade has been reduced by a fair amount.
- x4x Tech Terror price reduced from $22,000 -> 19,000
- x4x Tech Terror ability pierce reduced to 2000
- x5x Anti Bloon ability pierce reduced to 10,000
Alchemist has been given a small push towards the current underused Brew crosspath. Previously this crosspath only applied a benefit to Brew & Stimulant but now along with a buff to that, Acidic Mixture Dip will also gain a slight benefit from the crosspath.
- 220 - Acidic Mixture Dip charges per stack increased from 10 -> 13
- 320 - Berserker Brew charges per stack increased from 35 -> 40
Spike Factory
Spiked Balls are used quite a lot, but we like their overall position right now so they have had only a slight bump up in price, along with a bigger decrease to the price of T4 Spiked Mines. In addition, Permaspike's neglected crosspath has had a small pierce increase as currently their only real use is under custom challenge rules.
- 3xx Spiked Balls price increased from $2200 -> 2300
- 4xx Spiked Mines price reduced from $12,000 -> 11,000
- 105 Permaspike pierce increased from 70 -> 80
Obyn Greenfoot
To cut down a little on the RNG aspect of Obyn strategies, his abilities will now be able to target Bloons in the same fashion as Gwendolin's Cocktail, and only place randomly while none are within radius (yay!).
- Obyn's level 3 Brambles will now target Bloons in radius unless there is none
- Obyn's level 10 Wall of Trees will now target Bloons in radius unless there is none
If you are visually attuned and missed it above, we'd like to shout out the winners of the avatar competition again! You can find the full list here.
These will be added into the next few updates in no particular order!
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