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    Sunday, December 20, 2020

    Bloons TD 6 Daily Challenge - December 20, 2020

    Bloons TD 6 Daily Challenge - December 20, 2020

    Daily Challenge - December 20, 2020

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:00 AM PST

    Discussion about the today's daily challenge in Bloons TD 6.

    Please keep all discussion, question and strategies about the daily challenge and advanced challenge to this post to keep subreddit clutter low.

    Make sure to distinguish whether you are posting about the daily challenge or the advanced challenge clearly in your comment.

    Click here to see previous daily challenge posts

    Happy popping!

    submitted by /u/BloonsBot
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    I don't know if I'm the only one that sees this but it's what my brain tells me is going on... (sorry if you also get stuck with this in your mind now, I've been seeing it since day 1 so I just had to draw it eventually).

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:55 AM PST

    2MPC with Druid of Wrath on Four Circles

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:31 AM PST

    Regrow Farm

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 04:46 PM PST

    Slapping anime eyes to these monkeys

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:44 AM PST

    Spice Islands CHIMPS with Ray of Doom

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:04 AM PST

    coming soon...

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:34 AM PST

    Make this crane be able to carry monkeys

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 07:30 PM PST

    Challenge editor be like

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 10:31 PM PST

    I tried something to do...

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:58 AM PST

    The Monkeyopolis Times December 20th

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 08:18 AM PST

    This game could be improved if they clarified mechanics more.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 05:37 PM PST

    I recently started playing this game (the Android version, if it matters) again after a long break, and I think one of its most major problems is that it seems to go out of its way to either leave out critical details or to leave the ones it does acknowledge unexplained. To name some examples:

    Important terminology related to towers' attacks is not clarified.

    There are a handful of terms that consistently pop up in towers' descriptions that aren't really explained in full: popping power, pierce, and damage. Although these can be inferred through extended play, it makes the game seem more intimidating to a newbie than I think it should be. Moreover, when the towers' upgrades must be progressively unlocked, which is quite a lengthy process from start to finish, it's frustrating not to be told exactly what these terms mean and how they interact. There are upgrades that do "more damage" to the blimps; is this the same as popping power? If you upgrade popping power with an upgrade that makes no mention of damaging blimps, does it still do more damage to blimps?

    For example, the third path of the Dark Monkey goes from talking about popping three layers of Bloon per hit, which is immediately comprehensible, to talking about "powerful" shots that "do a lot more damage." The player is left to assume that "damage" is just another way to refer to how many layers are popped. But then this raises the question of whether other towers pop more layers when the only thing that's mentioned in their upgrades is doing more "damage" to blimps. The Bomb Shooter's MOAB Mauler upgrade is a good example. It makes intuitive sense that "damage" for the Dart Monkey refers to layers popped, but a face-value reading of the Bomb Shooter indicates that "damage" simply means draining blimps' health faster. Does this mean the Dark Monkey's upgrades also hurt blimps more, and that the Bomb Shooter's upgrades also pop more layers? I'm forced to look online because the game doesn't clarify.

    The nature of many upgrades is completely obfuscated.

    Further frustrating my efforts to learn the mechanics of the game is the fact that many upgrades' descriptions simply don't contain any information at all. This is especially common with tier 5 upgrades. The Monkey Ace is a perfect example. Whereas the description of 4xx clearly spells out that the tower will shoot 16 darts twice as fast, 5xx is only described with the flavor text "The Bloons will wish they had never come." Dramatic and cool, but totally useless beyond that.

    I imagine one objection to this will be that you simply have to learn by using them, but that doesn't explain the inconsistency. It seems disingenuous to claim that informative descriptions don't matter in a game where, admittedly, most of them are descriptive indeed. Surely the useless descriptions don't break the game, but it is a consistent irritation both as someone who's trying to learn and as someone who will doubtlessly need to go back for a reminder at times.

    I think a good solution to both of these problems would be to provide an in-game library that details the mechanics and upgrades in a more comprehensive way, accessible from inside the maps. With that they wouldn't even need to remove the flavor text, because instead of being frustrated by the game's refusal to be clear, I will at least know that the information can readily be found elsewhere without having to search the Internet.

    submitted by /u/Metaright
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    In one of DJ Benjamin´s leveling up voice lines he says yeet!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 09:30 PM PST

    I got Vengeful for my very first time last night after so many fails. Please be proud of me.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:11 AM PST

    Permaspike 2 Megapops on Cargo!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:13 AM PST

    My savior

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 08:51 PM PST

    Marine + MAD!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 01:06 PM PST

    Nice I got a name change

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:21 AM PST

    #Ouch CHIMPS with the Two Towers that its Map Shape Favours Least (Churchill and Crossbow Master)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:55 AM PST

    New Hero Idea

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 10:17 PM PST


    TWTY is a mysterious monkey not based on any real person who makes bad MonkeTube videos. He posts low-quality videos at a rapid rate, convincing nearby monkeys to fire faster at the cost of accuracy and pierce. No matter what buffs he receives, TWTY's attacks do not affect purples, leads, or camos.

    1. TWTY's bad videos inspire nearby monkeys

    2. Gains slightly longer range

    3. Clickbait: Puts clickbait on the track. As soon as a bloon touches it, all nearby bloons are stuck for 5 seconds because they have to watch the video.

    4: TWTY gains the Bad Advice attack, throwing a harmful video at long range that damages the bloon it hits.

    5: TWTY gets an assistant to make videos faster, increasing nearby monkeys' attack speed.

    6: Gains slightly longer range

    7: Bloon Property Forgetfulness: TWTY generates a large sum of money (max once per round), but nearby towers can't hit camo, lead, or purple for a while.

    8: Bloons around TWTY slow down to watch his videos.

    9: Bad Advice convinces affected bloons to move backwards for a short time.

    10: Double Cash: Towers in TWTY's range get doubled cash per pop for a brief time.

    11: TWTY learns about purple bloons, so Bloon Property Forgetfulness only affects camo and lead.

    12: Clickbait has a larger radius and makes affected bloons more susceptible to damage.

    13: Bad Advice spreads to many bloons when it hits something, as the bloons share it with each other.

    14: Gains slightly longer range

    15: Bloons around TWTY slow down even more.

    16: Bad Advice does more damage.

    17: Bloon Property Forgetfulness spawns a random low-tier Instamonkey.

    18: MOABs are vulnerable to Bad Advice.

    19: Clickbait posts 3 clickbait videos around the track.

    20: Monkeys affected by Double Cash become modded to have much larger range and projectile lifespan.

    submitted by /u/Flambe13
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    Never collect from banks between rounds in Co-Op Mode

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:25 AM PST

    I have no idea why, but one day I noticed I had impoppable unlocked even though I only ever played easy mode. Has anyone else had this happen?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:59 AM PST

    True Happiness.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:02 AM PST

    My first ever Temple (Tier 4 and 5), didn't earn a little bit more for the achievement but its ok.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:39 AM PST

    I'm so sick of her saying that so i thought this would help

    Posted: 19 Dec 2020 10:16 AM PST

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