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    Bloons TD 6 Daily Challenge - September 10, 2020

    Bloons TD 6 Daily Challenge - September 10, 2020

    Daily Challenge - September 10, 2020

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Discussion about the today's daily challenge in Bloons TD 6.

    Please keep all discussion, question and strategies about the daily challenge and advanced challenge to this post to keep subreddit clutter low.

    Make sure to distinguish whether you are posting about the daily challenge or the advanced challenge clearly in your comment.

    Click here to see previous daily challenge posts

    Happy popping!

    submitted by /u/BloonsBot
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    Archmage + Grandmaster Ninja

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Happiness noises

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Cough cough Etienne's abilities

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:24 AM PDT

    "How do I salvage this run?" A Beginner's Guide to Late Game Support Towers in CHIMPS Mode

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    Cover Image

    When starting out, a great number of players gravitate towards the flashy DPS towers but fail to consider something just as important, if not more: Support towers. Supports are the glue that holds a strategy together, and they are worth their weight in gold. I hope to teach any newcomers to BTD6 how to properly incorporate support towers in their games.

    (Note that when I say, "support tower," I don't mean towers in the Support category, though some of the upgrades in that category do qualify. I mean towers that provide a supporting role in the game.)

    Supports for Any Round

    These support towers are a staple for all the late game rounds. Always consider them when first planning your CHIMPS game.

    • Stronger Stimulant (4xx Alchemist)—shorthanded as "Stim," "Buffing Alch," or simply "Alch." In no uncertain terms, this upgrade is not only the best support tower in the game, but the best tower in the game outright. For $5,000 this guy adds 3 pierce, 1 damage, another 1 damage to ceramics and MOABs, 17% attack speed, and extra range. On a tower with 1 damage and 1 pierce, this constitutes a 14x multiplier to its DPS. While most tier 5 towers attack too quickly, burning through Stim's 40 shot limit, the buff can still last long enough to be of major importance in the later rounds—not to mention, Alch tends to offer a much greater benefit to the 3rd and 4th tiers before it.
    • MOAB Glue (023 Glue). With a 37.5% slow on all affected blimps, it's no wonder why MOAB Glue is so useful. While its effect is most noticeable against DDTs, it is also a must-have for MOABs, BFBs, and ZOMGs alike. Needs camo.
    • Base Village (2xx Village). Jungle Drums offers an easy 17% speed boost to all towers in range. There's no reason not to get it. You can later upgrade this village to Radar Scanner and/or Monkey Intelligence Bureau, or pair this with a second village and get the Monkey Commerce crosspath on both (beyond the scope of this guide).
    • Overclock (040 Engi). Overclock is not always used, depending on your strat. If you have one strong DPS tower, such as Grandmaster Ninja, Avatar of Wrath, or Permaspike, then Overclock will give you a 1.67x attack speed boost to that tower for a fraction of its cost. If you have many DPS towers, such as Sub Commander + Sub army or Mauler spam, then Overclock will not be worth it.

    Round-Specific Supports

    These support towers are most effective against certain types of rounds. Some excel at rounds with dense clusters of blimps; some are best for DDTs; some have great single target damage for round 100.

    Rounds 90, 93, 95, and 99

    Video of Round 95

    Video of Round 99

    • Bloon Sabotage (x4x Ninja)—shorthanded as "Sabo." Sabo is the easiest and perhaps the most effective patch for DDT rounds. For the next 15 seconds, all bloons that are on screen and that enter the screen have only 50% speed. In effect, this gives you twice as much time to handle those pesky DDTs. Note that Sabo has initial cooldown, which is no problem for 95 but will likely not help you on 99 if you don't buy it until then. Also, one Sabo doesn't last for the entirety of 95, so bear that in mind.
    • Monkey Intelligence Bureau (x3x Village)—shorthanded as "MIB." MIB may be necessary for your towers to pop DDTs, depending on the towers you have. Popular sharp-type towers such as Sub Commander, Grandmaster Ninja, and Avatar of Wrath all need MIB before they can even touch DDTs. Also, Apache Prime can damage DDTs with its main attack, but it's worth buying MIB so that its rockets can also contribute. Whether you need MIB or not is very simple to answer—if your DPS tower(s) can't damage DDTs consistently, get MIB.
    • Maim MOAB (402 Sniper)—shorthanded as Maim. Maim won't help as much on 95 since there are so many DDTs at any point in time, but for round 99 you get a lot of mileage out of it. Set your Maim on Strong to bring several of the fortified DDTs to a dead stop, giving you even more time to break them. Needs camo.

    Rounds 94, 96, and 98

    Video of Round 98

    • MOAB Press (024 Boomer)—shorthanded as Press. Arguably overpowered, Press's high-pierce knockback attack is absolutely unparalleled for stalling big groups of BFBs and ZOMGs. One press can be enough, though it's better to get two or even three of them to stall even more, as well as a MOAB Glue for increased effectiveness. Doesn't work as well against DDTs since they are so spaced and are better at resisting Press's knockback.
    • Unstable Concoction (03x Alch)—shorthanded as Concoction, Conc, or Coc. WARNING: THIS IS NOT ALWAYS A GOOD OPTION. Concoction creates a massive chain reaction which shatters nearly all BFBs and ZOMGs on screen into MOABs and ceramics. If your DPS towers have low pierce, this can be a major detriment. It can cause your towers to get overwhelmed by incredibly fast and strong (fortified) super ceramics and (fortified) MOABs. This is even more dangerous on multipath maps, where you want to focus on only one path at a time. So take a moment to think about whether Concoction is good or bad for your defense. If you're using Permaspike or The Biggest One, you will absolutely want Concoction. For other strats, use your best judgement.
    • Shattering Shells (0x4 Mortar)—shorthanded as Shattering. If the previous supports don't work against the 30 fortified BFBs on round 98, then Shattering is your nuclear option. Shattering removes the fortified property from every MOAB and BFB that it hits (and it attacks plenty fast enough to hit all of them). The fortified property doubles the amount of health, so Shattering effectively cuts the strength of all fortified bloons in half. The downside is that Shattering is a lot more expensive than the other supports, and usually needs planning.
    • Base Ice (012 Ice). If you have absolutely no money left and 98 still won't let up, this last-ditch effort just might save your life. Place a few 012 Ices in the back to catch 40 fortified super ceramics each, and this act of desperation may be just enough to hold the leaks at bay. Don't rely on this though; you're much better off getting actual support.

    Round 100

    Video of Round 100

    • First Strike (040 Sub). Always use this for round 100 if there's water. First Strike does a staggering 10,350 damage to whatever bloon it hits, including BADs. On longer maps you can use the ability whenever to get 10,350 damage closer to breaking open the BAD, but what if I told you that you can utilize a tactic to destroy the BAD and everything inside with just one hit? You see, if you First Strike a BAD that has no more than 3,422 damage remaining, you will have enough damage to kill the layer and pierce through every layer inside it, leaving nothing left. Of course, this begs the question: How do I know how much damage is left? Unfortunately, there is no concrete answer. As a general guideline, you will have to wait until the BAD is at its final damage phase and then some. How long you wait after final phase is something that takes practice, but generally you'll want to count to 3 seconds while the game is on slow speed.
    • Spike Storm (140 or 240 Spac). If you have no water, then Spike Storm is your best alternative. You'll want to place this guy right next to the track, give it an Alchemist buff (if there is money to spare), and then use the ability while the BAD is on top of it. You'll be able to do around 5,000 damage per Spike Storm. If you have Pat buffing your Spike Storm, the damage output increases by several thousand more.
    • MOAB Eliminator (050 Bomb)—shorthanded as Elim. This guy is very expensive, but if you can save up enough money, it makes round 100 a joke. Elim's lightning fast cooldown means you can rapidly pummel the BAD with abilities and break it apart in no time.

    Round 97

    • Maim MOAB (402 Sniper)—shorthanded as Maim. By far the easiest counter for this round, Maim allows you to bring one of the two ZOMGs to a full stop so that you can handle one at a time. In this case you want your Maim on Last targeting, so that it focuses on one ZOMG rather than switching between both.
    • MOAB Press (024 Boomer)—shorthanded as Press. Press knockback may potentially make the difference here and it will also come in handy on 98.
    • Shattering Shells (0x4 Mortar)—shorthanded as Shattering. You can use this to defortify the BFBs that come out of each ZOMG, making the round even safer.
    submitted by /u/Me_Is_Smart
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    Apparently Quincy is not a hero

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    Kinda new to this sub, sorry if this has been done before

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 07:24 AM PDT


    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    Cornfield CHIMPS with Glaive Lord as Main DPS

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    Axis of ice on workshop with etienne

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 06:21 AM PDT


    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    Which is your favourite?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    Dark Castle CHIMPS with only primary monkeys and ETIENNE

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Super Monkey

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Wait a minute

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Special Poperations + Grandmaster Ninja

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    PogChimp but it’s me

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    A bunch of sh*try memes I made

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    Was it worth it? Absolutely

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Completed my first CHIMPS/Black Border

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Obyn brambles can pop camo bloons near obyn for 1 frame

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Everyone’s favourite mode

    Posted: 09 Sep 2020 05:27 PM PDT


    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Glue can splat on the back walls of the Mesa map, as seen by Glue Strike’s Glue Hose attack missing bloons sometimes

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    B.A.Ds have 140 ceramics in them.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Moabs have 4 ceramics. 4x4=16. B.F.Bs have 16 ceramics. 16x4=64. Z.O.M.Gs have 64 ceramics. 64x2=128. D.D.Ts have 4 ceramics. 4x3=12. 128+12=140.

    Therefore, because B.A.Ds have 2 Z.O.M.Gs and 3 D.D.Ts in them, they have 140 ceramics in them.

    submitted by /u/Sans_Is_Funny
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