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    Wednesday, September 18, 2019

    Bloons TD 6 Bloons TD 6 - Patch Notes! Version 12.0

    Bloons TD 6 Bloons TD 6 - Patch Notes! Version 12.0

    Bloons TD 6 - Patch Notes! Version 12.0

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 02:40 PM PDT

    Bloons TD 6 - Patch Notes! Version 12.0


    Key Features

    • How excited are we to bring you the Monkey Engineer to BTD6?! Very very!!
    • Informative Co-op emotes - be social or share tactics
    • Dedicated tower buff icons when placing or selecting towers
    • Developer inspired Ezili Skin - Smudge Catt
    • Excellent new maps Spillway (Advanced) & Workshop (Expert)
    • New co-op challenges.
      • Co-op challenges will replace the Daily Challenge twice per week.
    • ^ Achievements added

    Notes on Emotes

    • Safe and casual way to be social and cooperative, with an emphasis on terms and icons that can indicate what you intend to do or what you would like your team to do
    • Many are self explanatory but noting the thinking behind some of them
      • Slow = warning that something wicked this way comes, usually with a shift from fast forward to normal speed or to let others know slowing towers are needed
      • Piggybank icon = player is saving up for something or others should save
      • Cash Generators icon = player is planning to farm or suggesting others should
      • Ability icon = player will use an ability, or all players should be ready with abilities
      • Hero icon = intent to place hero, suggestion to place heroes, or use ability (especially when used back to back with Ability Icon emote)
    • Use them however makes sense of course, come up with fun uses, and give us feedback on other family friendly emotes you'd like to see
    • If any player ever annoys you with emotes, use the mute (speaker icon) next to their player number

    Bug Fixes & General Changes

    • Monkey Money first time completion reward balance
      • The first time completion MM bonus will no longer apply separately for both Single Player and Co-op. Now it will only apply for the very first time regardless of Play Mode.
    • More victory callouts in co-op and reworked requirements for callouts
    • Many road items will now save, including: Obyn & Ezili's Totems, Heli Positions, Heli's Marine, Temple's Mini Avatar & Engineer's Sentries will be included in this list.
    • Sending Cash amounts below $100 in co-op will now "Send All" instead
    • Resolved an issue where helis could redeploy into invalid locations sometimes
    • Sub-towers spawned by other towers should no longer double-up on buffs applied to the main tower.
    • Map Art updated for cargo on selection screen
    • Resolved some co-op resync issues
    • Resolved some issues with projectile height on some maps
    • Round 100 achievements will work in co-op now
    • Resolved a co-op crash that could occur occasionally when sending money on round 1
    • Cargo MOAB-lane now functions correctly in races
    • MOAB Mines now count towards your MOABs-popped in Co-op
    • Techbot, Farmer & Totem will no longer be sacrificed to Temples
    • Code and asset optimization to lower memory, especially for lower spec devices

    Boomerang Monkey

    • x52 Red Hot Rangs now correctly increases damage

    Ice Monkey

    • xx4 Ice Monkey Icicles now count towards pops counter correctly
    • xx5 Icicle Impale can now pop leads while buffed by Acidic Mixture Dip

    Monkey Buccaneer

    • 025 Trade Empire no longer uses a flaming grape projectile for the main dart
    • xx5 Resolved some funky stuff going on in co-op games that was confusing
    • Buffed tower range should dynamically update while the tower is selected
    • A visual issue where the "Restart" option in co-op didn't show MK Dart Monkey as 'free' has been resolved
    • Resolved an issue that could cause your ability bar to not appear when placing heroes

    Monkey Ace

    • Flight paths should no longer double up

    Heli Pilot

    • x5x Redeploy crash issue with arctic wind has been resolved
    • Redeploy can no longer move Sun Temples in some cases

    Wizard Monkey

    • x1x Wizard's explosion can no longer hit camo bloons

    Super Monkey

    • 5xx Temple persistent desync issues resolved in co-op


    • 2xx Acidic Mixture Dip no longer allows signal flare mortars to remove camo from DDTs
    • x3x Alchemist's explosion can no longer hit camo bloons

    Banana Farm

    • 1/0/2 Banana Farm Increased Production and Banana Salvage 3D art corrected

    Spike Factory

    • x5x Carpet of Spikes passive storm no longer counts as an 'ability cast' for co-op summary.


    • Quincy's Storm of Arrows now actually hits more as it levels up, rather than less hits of higher damage.

    Obyn Greenfoot

    • Obyn's level 11 Nature's Clarity no longer applies range to all tower types
    • Multiple Obyn's in co-op can now all use Wall of Trees

    Captain Churchill

    • Selling Churchill during his MOAB Barrage will no longer crash the game


    • Splash will now correctly land on the target at all times instead of sometimes centering on Ezili herself

    Pat Fusty

    • Rallying Roar works correctly at level 14

    Balance Changes

    Dart Monkey

    • 3xx Spike o Pult's ball now bounces the same as juggernaut
    • xx4 Sharpshooter damage increased from 5 to 6
    • x4x Super Monkey Fan Club no longer stacks with Total Transformation
    • x5x PMFC max count reduced from 40 to 20
    • x5x PMFC damage per shot of the plasma monkeys increased by 1
    • xx5 Crossbow Master attack speed bonus increased to 75%
    • xx5 Crossbow Master crit rate increased from every 6-10 shots to every 4-8 shots

    Boomerang Monkey

    • x4x Turbo Charge ability speed multiplier increased from x5 to x7 while charged
    • x5x Perma Charge also gains this bonus
    • x5x Perma Charge base damage increased from 2 to 4
    • xx4 MOAB Press special MOAB attack will now crosspath

    Bomb Shooter

    • x2x Missile Launcher increases attack speed by 15%
    • xx4 Recursive Cluster price increased from 2400 to 2800
    • x3x MOAB Mauler gains damage bonus to ceramic +5

    Tack Shooter

    • 5xx Inferno Ring lava bomb cooldown reduced 7s -> 4s
    • xx4 Overdrive attack speed bonus increased to 66%

    Ice Monkey

    • x3x Arctic Wind cost reduced from 5k to 3.2k
    • x4x Snow Storm cost increased from 1800 to 3k

    Sniper Monkey

    • 4xx Maim MOAB price reduced from 7k to 5k
    • 3xx Deadly precision damage increased from 18 to 20
    • 3xx Deadly precision gains an extra +15 damage to ceramics

    Monkey Sub

    • 5xx Energizer price reduced from 40k to 32k
    • xx2 Airburst darts pierce of each burst projectile reduced from 3 to 2
    • x4x First Strike Capability ability damage reduced from 16700 to 10000

    Monkey Buccaneer

    • 4xx Aircraft Carrier price reduced from 9000 to 7500

    Mortar Monkey

    • x4x Artillery Battery speed buff improved from 3x to 4x
    • x5x Pop and Awe damage per second during ability increased from 10 to 20
    • x5x Pop and Awe cost reduced to 30k
    • 5xx The Biggest One bonus ceramic damage decreased from +20 to +10

    Wizard Monkey

    • x4x Summon Phoenix ability damage increased from 2 to 3
    • x4x Summon Phoenix projectile speed increased from 200 to 300

    Super Monkey

    • x5x The Anti-Bloon damage increased from 4 to 5
    • x5x The Anti-Bloon ability damage increased from 3000 to 3500
    • xx1 Knockback effect on lead, fort and ceramic reduced from -100% to -60%
    • xx3 Dark Knight restores full knockback against these types (-100%)

    Ninja Monkey

    • xx2 Caltrops attack rate reduced by 50%
    • xx2 Caltrops pierce increased by 100%


    • x5x Spirit of the Forest no longer generates lives per round, but will generate lives on every ability use instead. This is to better synergize with the bottom path by not automatically reducing the bonus from Heart Of Vengeance every round.

    Banana Farm

    • x3x Bank bonus cash produced per round reduced from $160 to $150

    Spike Factory

    • 4xx Spiked Mines damage increased from 5 to 10
    • 5xx Super Mines damage increased from 350 to 1000
    • xx5 Perma Spike duration decreased from 350s-> 300s
    • xx5 Perma Spike price increased from 25k to 30k
    • xx5 Perma Spike max rounds reduced from 4 -> 3

    Obyn Greenfoot

    • Obyn's totems now have 0 footprint and will not interfere with placement of towers near them
    submitted by /u/NoSneezePlz
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    Daily Challenge - September 18, 2019

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 12:52 AM PDT

    Discussion about the today's daily challenge in Bloons TD 6.

    Please keep all discussion, question and strategies about the daily challenge and advanced challenge to this post to keep subreddit clutter low.

    Make sure to distinguish whether you are posting about the daily challenge or the advanced challenge clearly in your comment.

    Click here to see previous daily challenge posts

    Click here to submit your own daily challenge

    Happy popping!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    At the same day of this amazing update, almost 1 year since my last post here, I bring to you guys, the little monkey world

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 06:53 PM PDT

    Toasters be like mmmmmmmmmmmm

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 04:43 AM PDT

    And also First Strike and Biggest One

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 03:29 AM PDT

    The sentry type mechanic for 4xx Engineers

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    Ok so we know that the 4xx engineer has 4 different types of sentries, here is what they do: First of all they all have the same range, do 1 damage per shot to normal bloons, don't see camo bloons or DDTs, none of them can shoot over or through obstacles and last the same amount of time. Different sentries are either not used at all or prefered depending on the bloons on the screen, if no special bloon is on the skin the engineer cycles the type of sentry in the following order: Red, black, white, yellow, red... but now to the differences:

    Crushing sentry (red): It has 22 pierce, his projectile travels way further than his actual range. Additionally it deals 2 damage to ceramic bloons. He can pop all types of bloons except leads. If his projectile hits an obstacle it bounces of it like a juggernaut attack. He is used more often if there are ceramics on the screen and less if there are leads.

    Boom sentry (black): It has an explosive attack however its explosionradius is quite smaller than the one of a bomb tower. It can pop leads but not blacks or zebras. It can't be directly buffed by striker jones but his black bloon weakness can be removed by jones. It is built more often if there are leads on the screen and less if there are blacks or zebras.

    Cold sentry (white): It has a pierce of 15 and can near perma freeze normal bloons, however it seems like that no matter how many attack speed buffs you give it, it will not permafreeze. He can't shoot blimps, and can't pop leads, whites and zebras. It will be used less by the engineer if whites, zebras or leads are on the screen (no, blimps don't lower it's chance to be built), I don't think there is any bloon type that makes it be used more.

    Energy sentry (yellow): It doesn't have any special effects, it has a pierce of 4, cannot pop leads or purples (but freezed bloons so that's something I guess). Similar to the crushing sentry his projectile travels significantly farther than his range, but his main strength is just raw dps, while all the other turrets have (I think) the same attack speed, the energy sentry however has about triple to maybe even four times that attack speed, giving him the highest dps against single targets. It will be built less if (you guessed it) there are leads or purples on the screen. Similar to the cold sentry it doesn't seem that this sentry will be the prefered one at any time.

    submitted by /u/MyName335
    [link] [comments]

    Oh no

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 10:51 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    Patch 12.0 in a nutshell

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 04:45 AM PDT

    All the non-hero buff icons on one tower

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:17 AM PDT

    The cooler Daniel.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    NK please add a “bruh” text for co-op

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 01:55 AM PDT

    For whenever another player does a bruh moment, like placing a sun avatar insta at the beginning of the game

    submitted by /u/pu4pledude
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 06:52 PM PDT

    Give them a break

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    Every Engineer model

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 05:30 PM PDT


    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 11:19 PM PDT

    Illegal 2-2-2 engineer :)

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    Forbidden Upgrading

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    Everyone's first game after the update looking like:

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    (Almost) Max speed sky shredder

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 01:30 AM PDT

    TIL that achievements like abracadabmonkey only count the towers you had last round, used only engineer in the first rounds and sold everything for a super and ninja late game and still got it

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 02:26 AM PDT

    Oh... oh no guys

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    In case you haven’t tried it yet, hypersonic Sky Shredder is an omnidirectional laser beam

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:51 AM PDT

    Forget “wall” this is the entire forest!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    Everyone talking about the engineer, while forgetting another great update!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    New Hidden Achievement - Small Bloons

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    Thank You Ninja Kiwi.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    I would just like to take the time to say Thank You. After all the Pestering and Whining. You guys came through and delivered a great tower that maybe we didn't deserve, But got anyway.

    Speaking as someone who's played TF2 it warms my heart to see devs who care and communicate, Who deliver and not rely on Lootboxes to fund themselves. and for all of that.

    I just have to say Thank You.

    submitted by /u/TheYoshiTerminator
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